There are a couple of ways to delete columns from a dataset when the need arises. You can use our column cleanup tool or the Honeycomb API to remove columns you specify.

Use the Column Cleanup Tool

This allows you to delete columns that haven't been written to since a specified date.

  1. Check out our Column Cleanup Tool on GitHub.

  2. Run the script using the "last_written_before" mode.

Alternative Method: Use the Honeycomb API

If you prefer more control over the process or need to implement a custom solution, you can use our API to delete columns programmatically, refer to our API documentation for listing and deleting columns.

Best Practices for Column Hygiene

  • Before deleting columns, ensure they are truly unused and won't be needed for future analysis.

  • Regularly review your dataset columns to prevent approaching the column limit.

  • Consider setting up a periodic cleanup process to automatically remove unused columns.

Questions? Contact Honeycomb Support

The Honeycomb Support team can help you find the best way to clean up columns for your case.

Note: There is currently no way to delete multiple columns at once through the user interface. For bulk deletions, please use one of the methods described above.