When using BubbleUp, attributes are automatically classified as either dimensions or measures based on their characteristics. Understanding this classification helps you analyze your data more effectively.
How classification works
The classification of numeric fields (int or float) as dimensions or measures is primarily determined by their cardinality (the number of unique values) within your query results:
High cardinality numeric fields are typically classified as measures
Low cardinality numeric fields are typically classified as dimensions
Common scenarios
Here are some typical classification behaviors:
Numeric IDs or timestamps usually appear as dimensions despite being numbers, as they often have discrete values
Metrics that track quantities or measurements (like durations, counts, or amounts) typically appear as measures
As the cardinality of a numeric field increases over time, it may automatically switch from being classified as a dimension to a measure
Tip: Use the search bar above the dimensions and measures lists to quickly find specific attributes, regardless of their classification.
If you need to force a specific classification:
To make a numeric field appear as a dimension: Change its data type to "string" in Dataset Settings > Schema
For calculated fields: Use the FLOAT() function to ensure numeric values are treated appropriately